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Mann, A. (2022). Integrating Alternative Forms of Communication In Online Discussions In Designing for Meaningful Synchronous and Asynchronous Discussion in Online Courses. Toronto, Ontario: eCampus Ontario.


Eamer, A., Lauricella, S. & Mann, A. (2022). Equitable, Diverse, and Inclusive Assessment. Toronto, Ontario: eCampus Ontario.


Barber, W., & Mann, A. (2022). Creating dynamic engaging online learning environments. In, R. H. Kay, & W. J. Hunter (Eds.), Thriving online: A guide for busy educators (pp. 110-119). Ontario Tech University.


Mann, A., & Kay, R. H. (2022). Video production for online learning. In, R. H. Kay, & W. J. Hunter (Eds.), Thriving online: A guide for busy educators (pp. 289-297). Ontario Tech University.


Kay, R. H., & Mann, A. (2022). Effective video use in online learning. In, R. H. Kay, & W. J. Hunter (Eds.), Thriving online: A guide for busy educators (pp. 298-308). Ontario Tech University.


Mann, A. (Video Editor). (2022). In Cooper, K., White, R. Qualitative Research in the Postmodern Era: Critical Approaches and Selected Methodologies [video clips]. 1st  Edition. Springer. 


 Mann, A. (2020). Mobilizing People and Technology for Social Change Through Women’s Grassroots and Activist Media: A Catalyst for New Directions and Possibilities in Media Education. In Curriculum, Technology, and Democracy. Springer.


Mann, A. (2020). Motivated Learning Through Gamification [White paper]. Click Armor


Viddotto, D., Mann, A., Avery. & Cooper, K. (2020). Technology, Inclusivity and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy: How Educators Use Mobile Applications in Socio-culturally Diverse Classrooms. [Conference proceedings]. International Technology, Education and Development (INTED) Annual Conference. Valencia, Spain.


Harwood, C., Mann, A. (2017) A Constructivist Approach to Teaching Media Studies Using Google Drive, The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy. Retrieved from


Mann, A. (producer). (2018).  On Being Maxine Greene [video documentary].


Council of Ontario Directors of Education. (2014). Parent Tool Kit. [media consultant].


Mann, A. (2021). International Baccalaureate Organization. IB Film Curriculum Report. 

Conference Papers, Presentations, and Proceedings


Bussell, D. & Mann, A. (2022, May 24-26). Online Lecture Strategies During the Covid-19 Pandemic [Conference Presentation]. Redefining Learning and Education in a Digital Age, Ontario Tech University.


Mann, A. & Avery, T. (2020, May 29- June 4). Participating in the Online Conversation: An interactive workshop about how to teach and learn online for graduate students and teachers [Conference Presentation].  Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), London, Ontario. (Conference cancelled)


Mann, A. & Hardy, S. (2020, Aug. 10-14). Teacher Created Videos for Online and Blended Classrooms [Workshop Presenter].  Best Practices in Online and Blended Learning, Ontario Tech University, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada.


​Mann, A. (2020, May 14-17). On Being Maxine Greene [Panellist]. Maxine Greene: Sounds and Stories of Lives Lived in the Pursuit of Aesthetic and Social Justice Education Symposium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI. (Symposium cancelled).


Mann, A., Avery, T., Viddotto, D. & Cooper, K.  (2019). Digital Storytelling for Social Change: Using video production and podcasting in graduate-level university courses to mobilize social justice issues [Conference Presentation]. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), New Orleans, Louisiana.  


Mann, A., Malhotra, T. & Vidotto, D. (2019).  Instructor Videos and Video-making in/for the classroom [Workshop Presenter]. World Conference for Online Learning, Toronto, Canada. 


Malhotra, T., Mann, A., Avery, T. & Brett, C. (2019). Exploring the Relationship Between Instructor-Created Online Video Characteristics and Pedagogy​ [Paper Presentation].  EDULEARN 2019, Mallorca, Spain.


Avery, T., Mann, A., Hewit, J. & Brett, C. (2019). Welcome to Online Learning: Pedagogy and Practice in Instructor-Generated Videos [Poster Presentation]. American Educational Research Association (AERA), Toronto, Canada.


Mann, A. & Cooper, K. (2019). Research as meaning-making: Developing a Lens for Understanding the Impact of Aesthetic Education [Symposium]. American Educational Research Association (AERA), Toronto, Canada. 


Mann, A., Cooper, K., Avery, T., Diddotto, D. (2019). Producing Documentary Films for Social Justice Exploration in the Graduate Classroom: Issues of Privacy, Technological Proficiency, and Academic Merit [Paper Presentation]. 

Canadian Society of the Study of Education (CSSE),  Vancouver, Canada.


Mann, A. (2019). Effective Strategies for Teaching and Learning Online [Paper Presentation].

 OISE Graduate Student Research Conference, Toronto, Canada. 


Mann, A. & Cooper, K. (2018). Digital Media Production in a Blended Graduate Teacher Education Course: Citizen Documentary for Social Change [Paper Presentation].   ONLINE LEARNING 2018: Global Summit & EdTech Expo, Teaching & Learning in the Digital Age, Toronto, Canada. 


Mann, A. Viddotto, D. & Cooper, K. (2018). The Conversation is Online: Characteristics of Successful Online Graduate Courses and the Pedagogy that Supports the Conversation [Paper Presentation].   ONLINE LEARNING 2018: Global Summit & EdTech Expo, Teaching & Learning in the Digital Age, Toronto, Canada. 


Mann, A. & Cooper, K. (2018). On Being Greene: A Documentary on the Thoughts and Musings of Distinguished Scholar Dr. Maxine Greene [Paper Presentation]. American Educational Research Association (AERA), NYC, USA.


Mann, A. & Cooper, K. (2018). Citizen Documentary for Democratic Practice in Education [Paper Presentation].  Hawaii International Conference on Arts & Humanities. Honolulu, USA.


​​Mann, A. (2017). Youth Documentary Filmmaking: Latest Research and Newest Practices [Workshop Presentation].  EdTechteacher Innovation Summit, San Diego CA, USA. 


Mann, A. & Cooper, K. (2016). From the Politics of Representation to the Poetics of Re-presentation: Documentary Filmmaking [Paper Presentation]. American Educational Research Association (AERA), Washington, USA. 


Mann, A. (2012). Media Education in Ontario Schools [Workshop/Presentation]. 

Forum for Children's Television  Conference, Kyoto, Japan.


Stodolak, M. & Mann, A. (2018). Call Me Sentimental: A comparative analysis of instructor sentiment vs. i

nstructional intentions in online learning environments [Conference Proceedings]. 

Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE) E-Learn Conference, Las Vegas

Conferences & Publications

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